Supplying landscapers with a wide range of custom grown plants is a tradition at Blue Grass Farms.
Custom growing has always been a small and almost invisible part of our business, however in recent years we seem to be doing more and more of it. Our capabilities and resources are broad enough to grow just about any plant that is commonly used by the landscape trade in the Midwest in any size container required.
Included in what we can grow are native forbs and graminoids, perennials, grasses, sedges, ferns, hostas, daylilies, groundcovers, annuals, woody ornamentals and evergreens. Container sizes range from 7 gallon containers to 50 cell trays.
Lead time is the critical factor for us to be able to grow what you need and have it ready to meet your schedule. If you have long range needs that we might be able to help with we would be glad to discuss possibilities.